Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Minnesota Winters and Your Home

MNDaily.com wrote an article today about the "cultural experience" of winter in Minnesota. When it comes to snow and cold temperatures, Minnesota certainly gets hit hard when compared to other states in the U.S. This is just one reason that Minnesotans need to prepare for the worst: storm damage from one of the many storms the state will experience this winter.

Delta Construction is talented in a wide variety of areas, one of which is storm damage restoration. If your home is struck by a brutal storm this winter, Delta can get it looking as good as new, and will also handle all of the back and forth paperwork with your insurance company so that you remain as stress-free as possible.

If your home is damaged, give Delta Construction a call at 651-447-6798 for a free quote. Or write that number down and put it on the refrigerator because, with Minnesota winters, you just never know.

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